Belmont City College is an inclusive, respectful and productive, educational environment where students achieve success in their academic, social and community endeavours.
Belmont City College is an inclusive, respectful and productive, educational environment where students achieve success in their academic, social and community endeavours.
At Belmont City College we have high expectations of our students and staff, who embrace our ethos – to demonstrate pride in themselves, their school and their community. We have strong behavioural expectations, a firm dress code and a requirement that all students demonstrate a commitment to their learning and personal development. We believe a consistent and supportive approach to the achievement of these standards ensures a cohesive educational environment that best prepares young people for their life ahead.
Recently rated as one of the state’s top 50 secondary schools, with 100% of all eligible students attaining a university placement in recent years, our team of experienced and motivated educators ensure the achievement of exceptional student performance, in both academic and non-academic realms. Our students are exposed to a comprehensive curriculum that fosters high levels of accomplishment within and beyond the school environment, establishing a platform for ongoing success.
We seek to inspire each student to be brave, challenge themselves and set targets that are exciting and achievable.
Each child is a valued member of our school community.
Each child’s confidence and competence is fostered through exposure to a welcoming, supportive and disciplined learning environment, where they are encouraged to engage positively with all members of the school community.
This vibrant college community provides access to a diverse range of programs that support students to develop academic, social and life skills essential to navigating a pathway to further education, training and employment.
A responsive and flexible curriculum delivery model is implemented to ensure the needs of each individual are adequately met, including the provision of exclusive specialist programs and innovative learning activities.
The college is highly regarded for its multiplicity of special offerings that cater for the diverse interests and aspirations of our students.
Belmont City College was one of three finalists for Secondary School of the Year and our Principal was named Secondary School Leader of the Year at the 2015 WA Education Awards.