Belmont City College Titrators on Top of Chemistry

Each year, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) hosts the “Titration Stakes” competition. The competition tests the skill of the participants in determining the precise concentration of multiple chemical solutions through a procedure known as titration. This year one of the Belmont City College teams came third in the state.

Students were required to make a standard solution of Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP), which they used to standardise a solution of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). They then used this NaOH to standardise a second solution of KHP. Teams were judged on their collective accuracy.

BCC entered two teams this year; in Team One we had Carmel, Shahreen & Mandela, while in Team Two we had Dan, Nouh and Angie. Team 1 finished in 16th place, which is a respectable achievement, whereas Team 2 finished in 3rd place. Consequently, Dan, Nouh and Angie have progressed to the second round of the competition, to be held in August.

Congratulations to our hard working students, and thank you to Science Teachers, Mr Hearn and Mr Linkermann for organising and running the after-school training sessions.

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