The Student Services team’s brief is to support the social and emotional well-being of students.
Our team consists of:
The team performs a number functions for students at the College.
We provide counselling and support services for students on a wide range of issues including stress management, organisation, study timetables, academic pathways, bullying, relationships, responsibility, accountability, behaviour and family/personal issues. We also liaise with external agencies to provide ‘wrap-around’ support for students that require a higher level of support.
We also provide in-class academic and behavioural support through our Education Assistant, Chaplain and AIEOs, in order to help all students experience success.
The team runs a number of pastoral care programs which help raise awareness of cyber-bullying and build coping skills in our students. Members of the team also offer extra-curricular activities such as a breakfast club, homework club, our annual Harmony Week celebrations and activities programs at recess and lunch. The team has strong relationships with external agencies and uses these to provide support for students when needed. In particular, the team works very closely with the YMCA youth centre Base @ Belmont to ensure students are well supported.
The Student Council is a hands-on and proactive group, driving initiatives around the College. Councillors have been active in fundraising for charities and in advocating to College leadership on behalf of their peers. They also participate in leadership development programs and lead College assemblies and events. The College Peer Support program has also provided leadership opportunities for students within the College through mentoring younger students.
The College House System is managed through Student Services and has continued to develop since its inception in 2015. This is linked to our Vivo reward program; students can earn ‘Vivo’ points for engaging in positive behaviours. These ‘Vivos’ can be redeemed in an online shop for prizes and can even be donated to charities as part of fundraising activities. Students in each year level who earn the most Vivos each week are recognised publicly and can earn extra prizes. There has been a marked increase in intra- and inter-school sports activities at BCC. Students identify with their House mascots at sporting events, contributing to their House Vivo score and generating some friendly competition. The Student Services team regularly supports sports programs with staffing and transport in order to further build engagement and school spirit.
As well as supporting positive behaviour, the team monitors student attendance and works extensively to support students to attend school regularly. This involves gathering attendance data, following up with students and parents, performing home visits, developing attendance improvement plans and referring to Attendance Panels. We are pleased that in recent years, we have seen a significant improvement in the number of students in the regular attendance category. A 90%+ attendance rate has been shown to be crucial in student achievement and we are pleased to support our students to achieve this.
The Student Services team represents Belmont City College’s holistic approach to education. We value the whole student and the contributions that each and every student can make to our school community. Belmont City College is committed to equitable opportunity in education for all students and this is the guiding principle of our team.
The underpinning premise of Positive Behaviour Support is that positive behaviour is learned and should be taught.
Belmont City College continues to embed its behaviour support initiative which was officially launched in 2014 across all aspects of school life. This approach to positive behaviour is called Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and is based on current research and evidence on managing behaviour and student engagement.
A leadership team, staff and students created a behaviour matrix which underpins approaches to behaviour. The behaviour in the matrix is divided into three overarching groups called the ‘3Ps’: Positivity; Participation; and Preparedness. The matrix outlines the expected behaviours of our students. The team uses data generated both in the classroom and around the school to guide responses to these behaviours in the form of class resources and teaching support.
Every year the College hosts a ‘PBS Day’ where students and staff enjoy a range of cooperative activities that promote the 3Ps. This day consists of group activities and is co-ordinated by staff and student leadership teams.
The PBS initiative has expanded to include our House system for everyone in the college. The 4 Houses are Kwilla, Yonga, Warrdang and Karda. When students show expected behaviours they are awarded points to their individual Houses. This reward programme is inclusive of all learners, promotes belonging and encouragement and develops a common goal between students and staff.