Inclusive Education Program


The Inclusive Education Program provides a holistic support structure for students with special educational needs who are unable to independently access mainstream education programs.

The program offers two types of student support;

  • education support or
  • supported mainstream enrolment

Education Support

Eligibility for the education support program includes a diagnosis of intellectual disability or other documented conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this pathway students attend core subjects with specialised teaching and support staff and access social and learning opportunities through enrolment in elective classes with their mainstream peers. Through consultation with families an individual education plan is created to support students’ academic, self-management and social development goals. The primary focus for students in education support is to acquire functional literacy, numeracy and communication skills. Senior school pathways include experience in the workplace and hands on learning activities in order to improve students’ readiness to engage in work and the community as young adults.

Supported Mainstream Enrolment

Mainstream students with special needs are also able to access targeted support through the inclusion team. Working alongside the classroom teacher, education assistants implement the adjustments that teachers have planned to facilitate curriculum engagement and modify learning materials. Types of available supports are flexible and include mentoring, note-taking, one-to-one instruction and small group withdrawal programs designed by the teacher, as well as needs based assistance during the lesson. Students in this stream can choose the senior school pathway that is most appropriate to their aspirations and abilities following participation in the senior school course counselling process.