

At Belmont City College, students develop an understanding that the English language operates as a social process.

English is a subject about communication in the English language. It supports the development, presentation and analysis of ideas. It is through the study of English that our students learn to analyse, understand, communicate with and build relationships with others and with the world around them. English also helps students to engage imaginatively and critically with a range of literary, audio and visual texts to expand the scope of their experience.

Our curriculum content aligns with Western Australian Curriculum: English requirements. Students engage in challenging reading, viewing and writing programs at each year level, developing skills that allow them to communicate effectively. Our students develop reading and writing skills for academic and everyday purposes. We support students in their advancement of effective and appropriate ICT capabilities. Ensuring common standards across classes is achieved through shared assessment tasks, moderation and collaborative programming.


Belmont City College recognises that Australia is culturally and linguistically diverse. We celebrate the representation of diverse cultures including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our school community. We are committed to providing opportunities for English as an Additional Language/Dialect learners to develop a strong grounding in the mechanics of English as well as the essential conventions of language and text. All students are provided opportunities to improve in their understanding and functional use of Standard Australian English, and in the development of critical and creative thinking skills that enable them to understand how different texts can influence our identity, values, beliefs and perspectives.